With each new day we all have new opportunities to live to eat or alternatively to eat to live. Eating to live does not mean food should not be enjoyable. In fact, food that is healthy and fresh can be prepared to be flavorful and tasty.
The reason eating to live matters, is because in order to have a healthy body, this relies on healthy eating, among other healthy life practices. BIC’s commitment to help the community to embrace easy principles of living healthy will be the focus of new programs BIC will offer the community that can even turn poor health conditions around.
Healthy food sustains health, provides nourishment, energy and fuel so we can live, work and enjoy life. Clearly health matters! Without good health, enjoyment and quality of life is a struggle. With this in mind, health becomes a form of wealth that needs to be protected and there needs to be a plan to do so.
We’re excited at BIC about our upcoming Living Healthy Programs that bring together resources for living healthy, food tastings, health screenings and wisdom from health experts. More information to come. Stay tuned!
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